In Whom Do You Trust?

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. Friends, the words trust in the Lord echo the command in Deuteronomy 6:5 To love God with all our beings. Trust is complemented by Lean. Trusting God is a conscious dependence on God. Today’s world seems to have… Continue reading In Whom Do You Trust?

Check Those Attachments

Last Fall, I had an opportunity to mentor a young man, whom we will call Jordan for confidentiality purposes. After completing four years of college, Jordan had recently reconnected with a young woman, from his high school years, and they’d been dating for five months. Jordan’s parents were very concerned about how fast the relationship… Continue reading Check Those Attachments

The Righteousness of God

Romans 5 explains that all of us inherited a sin nature from the first man, Adam. Despite our best efforts, none of us can redeem ourselves. In a world where people are applauded on a Performance-Based system, giving to charities, feeding the hungry, graduating at the top of our class, and earning our company millions… Continue reading The Righteousness of God