Be Sober Minded: Part 2

Titus 2:6-8
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
7 In all things shewing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine shewing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you

Let’s talk about gravity, which means dignity, honor, and pureness of heart. These are the characteristics of seriousness. There is a time and place for everything. We have to be serious about our walk with God. So, if our doctrine is uncorrupted, then it’s going to automatically lead to the gravity. Because if you’re pure in your doctrine of the Lord, that’s going to translate and grow into a relationship that’s deeper with the Lord.

The Word of God will give you dignity. The Word of God will make you a person of honor. The Word of God will purify your heart. The Word of God will make you think about your relationship with the Lord. You will then find yourself asking yourself, “Does what I’m considering doing please God?” The Word of God will help you to keep your mouth closed, when you are about to say something that could disgrace your testimony for the Lord. On the other hand, the Word of God will give you the wisdom and boldness to speak when the time is right.

Sincerity is a genuine feeling of pure motives. Notice how all of this is rooted in uncorrupted doctrine. We have to check our motives to see why we’re doing what we’re doing.

I think about Jesus and those Pharisees. Jesus said when the Pharisees pray, they pray in order to receive the recognition of men; And that they already have their reward. The Amen of people was the Pharisees’ reward. They would receive no reward of God, because they sought the applause of men. The Pharisees’ motives were not sincere.

So, what’s motivating you to do good works? Is it Likes on Social Media? Is it followers on the Internet? Or do you truly seek to be pleasing in the eyesight of God?

All of this is determined because we show uncorruptness in doctrine; And in order to show uncorruptness in doctrine, we must be sober minded. A mind that is focused upon the world, cannot comprehend the revelation of God. A mind that is seeking the things of the world, will miss what God is saying in this season. A mind that is focused upon material things, will become dead to spiritual matters. So, this is why your mind must be sound and sober; And your motives must be pure.

Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; The sober minded Christian man should always speak what God is saying. Which means before you open your mouth, ask yourself two questions:

1). Does this glorify God?
2). Does this edify the person I’m talking to?

It never looks good when the saints of God are running around gossiping.

Again, there must be a sober mind before there can be sound speech. The mind has got to be right, in order to dictate what God is saying through you.

There is more temptation out here now, then when I was a young man. There are more avenues now, that have the potential to lead a young man astray. So, I have great admiration for every young man who chooses to forsake the ways of the world, in order to pledge their trust and faith to Jesus Christ.

When I was growing up, if two guys had an issue with each other, they either talked through it or had a fist fight; And after that, win, lose, or draw, the issues were settled. The guys could see each other the next day; And have a healthy respect for each other.

Nowadays, guys get into an argument, and they are quick to pull guns…not understanding that the mindset comes from the devil. Satan will use the quick-tempered man to take out two people; the person that they killed, and their own self. What good can you be to society, doing life in prison?

The majority of music nowadays promotes violence and fornication. Satan is giving our young people everything they need, in order to destroy themselves; And they aren’t understanding that Satan is leading them to Hell.

So, if the sound speech cannot be condemned, then that means it must be lining up with God’s Word. I’m not saying that people aren’t going to like what we say.

that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you: You can’t stop people from talking about you. You cannot stop people from lying on you, from having an opinion about you. The only thing you do have control over is if what they are saying is true.

Sometimes the very people who do not like you; will end up being the ones who stand up for you. The very people who don’t care for you can hear some gossip about you and say, “C’mon, I know with certainty that that person wouldn’t do anything like that. That’s just not in their character to behave like that. Ther’s no way this gossip is true. Regardless of whether we get along or not, I know their character as a Christian.”

The characteristics of Titus 2:6-8 are given to build young men into men of God. This is good instruction for everybody.

• First, you’ve got to have a sober mind.
• Then, you’ve got to be grounded in God’s Word.
• Then, there must be good works as an outward expression of the transformation God has made within you.
• Then this is built upon by the doctrine, sound speech, gravity, and sincerity.
• Then, regardless of what Satan may lift up his tongue to say about you, or about the people of God that when he looks at the lifestyle, there is no evidence to backup the claim. “Well, they’re accused of being a gossip. Is there any evidence? No there is not.”

So therefore, we take heed to how we live. Because one day all of us are going to get old. Each of us has to look back at this day, this hour, this minute, this second; And ask ourself, “What have I done to prepare the next generation to stand firm on God’s Word. That they will not compromise with the world. That they will keep the doctrine of Christ pure. That they will be honorable to still live holy. That they will be serious about their relationship with God. That in all they do there will be sincerity to please God, and not man.”

Saints of God, let your words have purpose. Let your words add to someone. And let your character speak for you.

The most serious thing that we can do; And our greatest obligation is the welfare of the soul. This is our most important business on this earth, because that’s going to determine where you spend eternity.

God has given us the formula to build young men of God into mature men of God. I encourage all young men to take the initiative to get into the Word of God for yourself, because God is eager to guide you, He is eager to instruct you, and He is eager to talk with you.

If you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would like to extend this invitation to you to receive the gift of salvation today. You can do so by praying and truly believing the prayer below, or by praying to God in your own Words.

I confess that I have sinned against You, and I know that there is nothing I can do by my own efforts to change my condition. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood and died on the cross for my sins; And that He rose from the grave on the Third Day to grant me eternal life. I know You love me, God, and I love You. I place my faith and trust only in You to conform my heart to Your will; And to order my steps everyday, from this day forward. Thank You , Lord, for saving me.

If you prayed this prayer, and meant it from your heart, then you are now a part of God’s family. Your name has been written in the Book of Life, and therefore when your mortal life ends you will live forever with Jesus Christ.

Begin studying God’s Word. A great place to start is to read the Gospel of John, then Matthew, then Romans, then Acts. This will give you a foundation of the teachings of Jesus and how He desires that we successfully navigate this mortal life.

I will encourage you to also find a good church home, where the true Word of God is being preached. Always remember that your salvation is not based on politicking with church leaders, how well you dress, how well you sing, how much money you put in the offering pan, etc… Your salvation is built upon your acceptance of Jesus as your personal Savior, and your commitment to growing to know Him more and more each day, through prayer, studying the Bible, and interacting with other “born again” Christians, who sincerely encourage you to grow spiritually.

One thought on “Be Sober Minded: Part 2

  1. Human history is the history of VIOLENCE.

    Seek to be the best version of yourself,
    the universe will reflect it.
    There are only two paths,
    with Christ and without Christ.

    The best testimony about yourself is your EXAMPLE.

    Liked by 3 people

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