It’s All In The Plan

Jeremiah 29:11
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

God has developed a plan for each believer, to cause us to succeed, so that we look forward to everything He has coming for us. And when we read this scripture, it gives us joy to know that God has good things in the works for you and I. However, as we journey through life, we notice that these plans are accompanied by pain and suffering at times.

Just because God wants to prosper us, doesn’t mean that our life will always be pleasant. We are going to have to encounter people, things, and situations that we never thought we’d have to encounter. We’re going to be betrayed by people who said they’d have our backs. Folks are going to attempt to deceive us. The evil one is going to throw obstacles in our path.

There are times in our life when we knowingly or unknowingly sought advice from the wrong people; And we didn’t know that they had evil intentions. Often times, in our younger years, we didn’t realize that we were being confronted by demonic forces. Many of us experienced traumatic events in our early years. Life experiences made us feel that we were inadequate. These events followed many of us into adulthood, and caused us to be unable to love and treat other people right.

Then we accepted Jesus Christ as our Saviour and Lord; And God made us some promises. In this Christian walk, we will encounter rejection from those who are of the world, but the Word of God lets us know that God causes all things to work together for our good. Regardless of the adversity, trials, and tribulations, will you still choose to trust God’s plan?

It is going to take some serious determination, and our commitment to allowing the Holy Spirit to lead and guide order for each of us to carry out God’s plan for our life.

There’s an old expression, “God can’t use no coward soldier.” If you can’t stand up and walk this walk. If you can’t handle being rejected by the world, you won’t make it in. People are going to try their very best to tear us down and damage our feelings. The Bible says, “Any man that puts his hands to the plow, looking back, isn’t fit for the kingdom.” You can’t carryout God’s plan if you’re constantly getting caught up in the affairs of this wicked and perverse world.

Sometimes carrying out God’s plan for your life means having to stand by yourself for a season. You may have to get used to standing alone. You’re going to have to get used to God telling you, “No, this isn’t the person for you.” or “This isn’t the path I want you to take.” We may not always understand when God tells us, “No” or “Wait”, but it’s all part of the plan. One thing I found out about God’s plan is that even though it may hurt, it helps.

It helps because God cannot go back on His Word when we choose to trust Him. God said He wants to prosper us with plans of good and not of evil. So even when we feel like following God’s plan hurts, God is actually helping us, because He has an end for us.

God has some things for us to do. Each of us was placed on this earth for a purpose; And if we don’t accomplish it, it is nobody’s fault but our own.

We were put on this earth to reach people for Christ. We were put here to live a life, so that men and women will look upon us and say, “I want to serve the God that they serve. I want to have the things that they have.” Because there are benefits to living holy.

When we look back over our lives; And think of all of the things that God has brought us through…We are thankful. Many of us have faced battles, sicknesses, and struggles whereas if God had not intervened, things would have ended badly. But because we knew that God had promised to be with us every step of the way, we held firmly to His faithful hand; And He delivered us everytime. And through the process we learned how to be steadfast, how to be unmovable, how to never give up, how to depend on Jesus. He’s a sure foundation. We learned how to talk to Jesus. We learned how to love Him for real. We learned how to take Jesus everywhere we go, because you can’t leave home without Him.

It was all in the plan. We thank God for walking with us, and talking with us..all throughout the day and the night. Even as we sleep, God watches over us.

It’s all in the plan; And if you stay with Jesus, everything is going to workout in your favour.

If you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would like to extend this invitation to you to receive the gift of salvation today. You can do so by praying and truly believing the prayer below, or by praying to God in your own Words.

I confess that I have sinned against You, and I know that there is nothing I can do by my own efforts to change my condition. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood and died on the cross for my sins; And that He rose from the grave on the Third Day to grant me eternal life. I know You love me, God, and I love You. I place my faith and trust only in You to conform my heart to Your will; And to order my steps everyday, from this day forward. Thank You , Lord, for saving me.

5 thoughts on “It’s All In The Plan

  1. Thanks for a balanced post! I read too many that talk about the prospering part of the plan without the growth part of the plan. We were promised tribulation and trials because they build character. Good word!

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    1. Thanks and Amen, Matthew! We do people a great disservice when we only talk about prosperity. Yes, God does desire to bless His children, but like you said: suffering, trials, tribulation, and persecution are a part of the Christian’s growth journey, as well. If we suffer for His namesake, we will reign with Him.

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