How Should Christian Career Professionals Navigate Workplace Competition?

This article was written by Dr. Marcia Thomas Powell, a Christian Leadership Consultant & Life Coach.

Workplace competition describes a dynamic interaction amongst employees in an organization as they vie for rewards, recognition and advancement opportunities in their organization (Adapted from Investopedia).

Workplace competition manifests itself in various forms which include demonstrating one’s skills, capabilities and productivity to outshine colleagues and secure a well needed promotion, bonus, reward or recognition.

There is very little doubt that competition can drive motivation, and innovation thus increasing productivity and profits, but it can also result in excessive stress, rivalry and unethical behavior.

Should Christian leaders encourage competition in the work place?

The answer to this question is based on several factors such as organizational culture, the individual need/s of employees, work expectations and target attainment. These circumstances will alter the cases and so Christian career professionals must approach this issue with wisdom and discernment.

Thus Christian career professionals need to bear the following in mind when handling competition in the workplace.

• Approach the issue with sensitivity and appreciative inquiry by ensuring that it aligns with your core values, beliefs and faith principles.
• Ensures that it contributes to and maintains a positive and supportive work environment that promotes personal growth and the wellbeing of employees whilst securing for organizational success.
• Ensure that any competition in the workplace promotes fairness and is conducted with integrity and transparency.
• Demonstrate zero tolerance for competitive practices that are unethical or cut throat behavior, that undermines trust, hinders collaboration and destroys team spirit.

How can Christian career professionals promote and maintain healthy competition in the workplace?

Christian career professionals who operate in an organizational culture that values competition, understand that promoting and maintaining healthy competition in the workplace is not a walk in the park. Balancing the drive for excellence while upholding values of integrity, fairness and compassion can be challenging and quite burdensome for anyone, more so Christian career professionals.

However, as a Christian in leadership there is a divine obligation to strive to create a workplace environment that reflects the values of love, compassion and unity promoted in the teachings of Christ. God instructs us in Philippians 2:3-4 to ‘do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves’ Thus promoting and maintaining healthy competition means that you:

• Pray for guidance. Seek guidance, understanding and wisdom from God through prayer and reflection. “For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding” -Proverbs 2:6 (NIV). Trust and depend on God for insight and discernment in promoting healthy competition and fostering a positive workplace culture.
• Promote collaboration over cut throat. Encourage employees to compete with themselves to develop their skills and capabilities over time , rather than solely focusing on outperforming others. ‘ Let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor’ -Galatians 6:4. Foster an environment where persons can be their best selves, gain promotion, rewards and recognition without fear of descension or isolation. Where each can be happy for each other. When one wins. Everybody wins.
• Lead by example. ‘Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men’-Colossians 3:23. Be fair in your actions and abhor favoritism or showing bias. Demonstrate integrity, humility, and fairness in your own behavior and interactions as a leader even in competitive situations. Ensure that goals are challenging but achievable and that all employees are treated equitably regardless of their performance or position. Avoid actions or policies that discourage collaboration and teamwork among employees. Recognize that collective success often relies on cooperation and mutual support.
• Consider individual needs and overall wellbeing. Don’t prioritize competition to the extent that it disregards the well-being and mental health of employees. Recognize that not all individuals thrive in competitive environments, some are more motivated by collaboration. Encourage personal improvement by celebrating both individual and team achievements. Acknowledge how each individual’s effort contribute to organizational success. Never use shaming or guilt tripping as motivators for performance improvement. Instead, focus on giving encouragement, constructive feedback, and support to help employees grow and develop.
• Never Compromise your Christian values. Encourage honesty, integrity, and fairness in all interactions, even in competitive situations. ‘Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” -1 Corinthians 10:31.
• Offer Support and Encouragement: Provide support and encouragement to employees who may be struggling or feeling overwhelmed by competition. Help them find ways to manage stress and avoid burnout that can arise from intense stress. Offer guidance and mentorship to help them navigate challenges and develop their skills. Be clear, open and transparent when highlighting competitive goals, expectations and performance matrix to avoid misunderstandings and resentment among employees.
• Don’t Neglect Communication: Avoid neglecting open and transparent communication about competitive goals, expectations, and performance evaluations. Lack of clarity can lead to misunderstandings and resentment among employees. Be patient when communicating and be keen in observing and responding to what is said and what is not said.

By employing these strategies, Christian leaders can create an environment where healthy competition thrives, leading to increased motivation, productivity, and overall organizational success, all while upholding values of integrity, fairness, and compassion. For, “the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere”-James 3:17 (NIV)

If you are reading this and do not know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, I would like to extend this invitation to you to receive the gift of salvation today. You can do so by praying and truly believing the prayer below, or by praying to God in your own Words.

I confess that I have sinned against You, and I know that there is nothing I can do by my own efforts to change my condition. I believe that Jesus Christ shed His blood and died on the cross for my sins; And that He rose from the grave on the Third Day to grant me eternal life. I know You love me, God, and I love You. I place my faith and trust only in You to conform my heart to Your will; And to order my steps everyday, from this day forward. Thank You , Lord, for saving me.

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